Sunday, January 27, 2013

How Strong Are You?

All battles in life begin in the mind and are won in the mind. I am learning this and trying to apply this to various areas of my life. I am going to win the battle against a half-marathon. See my fitness blog. Saturday I ran my first 5 mile distance. Trust me over the last two weeks I have been battling doubts. I have to talk myself through some of my runs. I am learning that I am strong. I am learning to call out to God to help me keep fighting. I have decided that losing and failure is quitting and giving up. Righteousness and winning is about getting back up and never quitting. The Old and New Testaments are full of examples and admonition both negative and positive that the righteous do not quit when things get tough. They train their minds, they honor their commitments, and they rely on God and godly people around them to win. So help us God to overcome!